The overwhelming stress and tensions, panic the day before a paper, intensive studying even in the wee hours of the morning, daily trips to the study room, and the same routine kept repeating for whole two freaking weeks which were enough to make me go mad, have all now ENDED (:
To be honest, we don't freaking have to be so stressful and get all so serious over our 1st sem finals, seriously, but it was the freaking suicide announcement from jay-pee-aye that made us all imu-bound kids go...berserk. For one, it was too sudden, and two, the announcement was made like exactly 3 days before our finals first paper. Well, regarding which path to choose, Im seriously not sure, both have its pros and cons actually. But we're all getting to the same point in the end, right? (: All I know is, I wanted to do my best and leave the rest to God. He will choose what's best for me (: And regarding what's that suicide announcement, I'll leave it till..later (:
Overall, the finals were okay, except for a few unexpected ones. The two usually easiest subjects for this semester, flunked on me O.O Maths and Stats, really :( Or maybe it's true that 'you reap what you sow'. I didn't put much effort into it, until the very one day before the exam. Oh well, at least I really had done my best (: Anyway, the rest of the subjects were okay.. and maybe I should only judge after I get all the marks, heh.
Had fun chilling in Sunway with friends right after the last English paper :D Good food, shopping are alll such welcoming changes. Do you all have any idea how long I'd not been out? All work and no play seriously made me a dull girl!!!
I had just half-done doing clearance actually. Clearance is, you have to clear every single stuff u brought away from the hostel at the end of every semester. So it was like, quite tedious, especially for me, whose hostel is almost like my home. And guess what! I just dismembered a talllll bookshelf, with screwdriver =p For once, I feel im and capable wth. hahaha.. Another small shelf. I'll leave that till tmw!
Im srsly quite exhausted now. Mom coming tmw (: Cant wait.
Good night, happy packing, and most importantly, HAPPY HOLIDAYS! ;D
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