Friday, October 1, 2010

Secret Recipe

In Secret Recipe, doing yet another Bio Report! Got kinda bored so messed around with the webcam. Lol, with the company of Fiona 2 and nice tea.

Flying back Johor in another 4 hours. Yes, im not kidding. My sis and hannee are flying from Kuching and Im meeting them at the airport at around the same time. Recalling my conversation with a friend yesterday night :

Fren : Hey, how you going back bp tmw?
Me : Flying back.
Fren : Very funny, ha ha. Mom fetching you or by bus?
Fren : ????
Me : Airasia. (and the explaination goes on...)

LOL. Ciao people!

Pack stuff :)
♥something extraordinary by someone ordinary♥

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